It's quite dependent on the area, but this is a Powerblock build I ran in GvG for some time;
Power Block
Shatter Enchantment
Power Leak
Leak/ench removal, diversion, powerblock give varying manners of shutting down in different situations, pblock and gale/blackout give hard shutdown on pushes, as well as blackout giving slight defensive capabilities against enemy frontlines.
Essentially, what you use on what target is dependant on what you are doing. During heavy pushes, taking out monk bars with bo/pb allows you to break a team easier. When trying to get pressure out on a defensive team, PB can also serve to open oppurtunities by disabling water eles/curse necroes/air eles; although all of these can be dealt with using other skills on the bar. It is quite flexible in each shutdown capacity.
And the heavens shall tremble.